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- 会员年限:6年
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- 地址:西岗区长江路570号2706
- E-mail:15388492@qq.com
Akoustis’ A10155 is a high performance, ultra-wide bandwidth BAW RF Filter for use in WiFi 6E applications covering U-NII-1 thru U-NII-3 bands. A10155 utilizes Akoustis’ patented, XBAW technology which provides leading RF filter performance. This BAW RF filter provides low insertion loss and meets the stringent rejection requirements enabling coexistence with U-NII-5 thru 8. This device exhibits high-power handling capabilities necessary for demanding power requirements of the latest WiFi 6E standards. A10155 is a fully integrated, 50Ω module using standard laminate packaging and is compatible with high volume, lead-free SMT soldering processes.
Small form factor 3.5mm x 3.5mm x 1.4mm
Single ended Tx/Rx ports.
Ultra-wide passband covering 665MHz
High rejection enables coexistence with adjacent WiFi UNII bands
High power rating, maximum +27dBm
Low insertion loss band pass filter
Performance over -40 C to +85C
RoHS compliant, Pb-free package